BERITH HAPHAK SAPHAH is an online message ministry adhering to the Torah and the original Bible.




 We believe:

 1. God manifesting as Father (Yehuvah), Son (Yeshua haMashiach) and Holy Spirit (Ruach haQodesh). These are THREE distinct entities with ONE purpose. The Head is the Father (Yehuvah) and the only one to be worshiped.

2. In the original scriptures as the highest authority.

3. In baptism of the believers through immersion. And circumcision for all male believers. If a boy is born unto believing parents, he will be circumcised on the 8th day after birth.

4. In die baptism of the Holy Spirit (Ruach haQodesh) to be witnesses.

5. That the Holy Spirit (Ruach haQodesh) resides in us.

6. In the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Ruach haQodesh).

7. In the five-fold ministry (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) for the perfecting of the saints.

8. In the power of prayer.

9. That Yeshua died on the STAKE and was resurrected by Yehuvah. His death replaced ALL animal offerings as ordained by Yehuvah to Moses (Mosheh). It was a stake and not a cross that was used to nail offenders to during the Roman era.

10. In the End Times according to Revelation and the Old Testament prophets.

11. In the resurrection of the dead. And Judgment Day for the unbelievers. For the elect believers we will have a second instant Exodus to go and celebrate the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and to receive our rewards at the Bema seat of Yeshua haMashiach. The elect believers are NOT made for Judgment Day and the False Messiah.

12. Retention of the Jewish lifestyle and original calendar as recorded by Moses (Mosheh). And the Torah as the original commandments to be adhered to.

13. The Bible in its ORIGINAL form. And that includes the Apocrypha books and the Tanak.

14. The eat of Kosher food as part of the diet as ordained by Yehuvah.

15. Only married women should cover their heads as ordained by Yehuvah thru Moses (Mosheh). The use of a scarf or a hat is sufficient. Unmarried women may cover their heads, but when praying must cover their heads.

16. The Shabbat as ordained by Yehuvah from the beginning as a resting day. And because it's a resting day, Fridays will be a preparation day for the Shabbat. Days start at sunset and ends at sunset.

17. Moon observation to get the start of the month. The crescent MUST be observed to start the new Hebrew month. Except for the first month of Tishrei (Rosh Hashanah / Hebrew new year), the next day will be the first of the month if the crescent moon is not sighted. Tishrei is different and is known as "The times you do not know". If the crescent moon is NOT sighted then Elul, the last month of the previous year, continues and Tishrei will be shortened accordingly at the end of it.




To call people to accept Yeshua as the Messiah and as the Ben Elohim and to serve Yehuvah according to his instructions and commandments as detailed in the Torah.





To fulfill the commission given by Yeshua Messiah in Matthew 28 verse 19 to 20 and related verses.

So wherever you go, make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to do everything I have commanded you. And, remember, I am with you until the end of time.






We currently have the following leaders:


1. Chanok Eliyah Kaplan - he is on Facebook HERE. He is from the Korahite family - a member of the family of Levi.


2. Eliyah Mosheh Levin - he is on Facebook HERE. He is from the lesser high priest family and also a member of the family of Levi.


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